A Cloud Connector allows you to securely connect your clouds on Cloud Sight to your Telstra Next IP® network.
This article provides an overview of a Cloud Connector that's already:
- Linked to your Telstra Next IP network
- Linked to an AWS or Azure cloud
Please note the following about Cloud Connector:
Finding your Cloud Connector on Telstra Cloud Sight
Once you've added a Cloud Connector to Telstra Cloud Sight, you'll see it on the 'Cloud services' page (home page).
Learn how to add a Cloud Connector
It'll appear within the workspace you've chosen for it, with the name you've given it alongside the Cloud Connector symbol: . You can search for it by typing the name into the search bar.
Learn about workspaces and other Cloud Sight management layers
Click on the name of the Cloud Connector to go to its details page.
Cloud Connector details page
When you click on the name of a Cloud Connector on the 'Cloud services' page, you arrive at the details page for that Cloud Connector.
On the header of the page you'll see:
- Cloud Connector name – the page title is the name you've given that Cloud Connector when you added it to Cloud Sight.
- Subscription ID – below the title is Subscription ID for that Cloud Connector.
- Bandwidth consumption – the progress bar on the right of that title shows the bandwidth you've allocated to the Cloud Connector, and how much of that bandwidth has been consumed.
- Cost – on the right of Bandwidth bar is the cost of your Cloud Connector. This is displayed in Australian Dollars, as a recurring monthly fee (exclusive of GST).
You can edit the name and bandwidth allocation by clicking on the Manage dropdown on the top right and selecting edit.
You'll see two tabs below the header.
- Connections – contains a visual representation of your Cloud Connector and its links.
- Utilisation – a visual representation of how you've used your Cloud Connector's bandwidth. This tab is only useful when you've completed the necessary links on your Cloud Connector.
The connections tab
The screenshot below is an example of a cloud that's completed its connections. You'll see a different screen if you haven't linked your Cloud Connector to the Telstra Next IP network or a cloud.
The connections tab shows a graphical representation of:
- The Cloud Connector – the circle at the centre.
- Your Telstra Next IP® network – rectangle on the left of the Cloud Connector. This contains
- Next IP network name – the name you've given the network when you added it to Cloud Sight.
- Full National Number (FNN) – this is a unique number Telstra assigns to networks and services to identify them.
- Your clouds – the rectangles on the right of the Cloud Connector. There will be one for each cloud you've linked to the Cloud Connector. Within each rectangle you'll see:
- Cloud name
- The cloud service identifier – this is a number the cloud provider has assigned to your cloud. e.g. AWS account ID.
- Bandwidth assigned to this cloud
You can edit both the link to a cloud or the link to a Next IP network.
Learn how to edit the link to your Next IP network
Learn how to edit the link to your cloud
You can also delete a Cloud Connector from this tab.
Learn how to delete a Cloud Connector
The utilisation tab
The screenshot below is an example of a cloud that's completed its connections. There will be no data available if you haven't linked your Cloud Connector to the Telstra Next IP network or a cloud.
This tab shows you a chart representing the data flowing through your Cloud Connector. This is comprised of a primary and secondary connection between your cloud(s) and your Telstra Next IP network.
As per the legend, the chart shows you the following usage details for your chosen cloud link:
- Inbound traffic
- Outbound traffic
Below the chart you'll find:
- The usage peak for both inbound and outbound links
- The average for both inbound and outbound links
Please note that the peak values are the highest average usage across the smallest unit of time in a selected period. e.g. the peak in a chart that spans a day is the highest average across an hour.
You can click on any of the data points to see the values of each of their coordinates.
You can change the chart by:
- Selecting the linked cloud:
- Choose a particular cloud; or
- A usage aggregate of all linked clouds
- The period allows you to set the time range the X axis will span. You can choose:
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Year
- The time range field allows you to select a particular time, day, week, month or year depending on the period you chose.