Please note this article applies only to BYO Azure clouds, and not Azure from Telstra. |
You need to follow the steps documented below if you would like to remove Cloud Sight's access to the AWS accounts on which you've enabled our features.
Please note that removing permissions will affect the functioning of features associated with those permissions. If you wish to enable those features, you'll need to again provide those permissions on the Azure portal.
Removing Cloud Sight reader access from your Azure subscription
1. Log in to the Azure portal. You'll need to log in with Global administrator permissions to complete this process.
2. Type 'Subscriptions' in the search bar. You'll find it listed under 'Services'. Click on the title (Subscriptions).
3. Select the subscription from which you'd like to remove reader role access.
4. Select Access control (IAM) from the navigation pane on the left.
5. Click the View button on the 'View access to this resource’ panel on the right of screen.
6. Review the specific role or roles granted to the ‘Telstra Cloud Sight’ service principal. Click the checkboxes next to those you'd like to remove and click on the Remove button.
7. Select Yes to confirm removal of the role assignment.