To manage access on Cloud Sight you must be logged in as an Admin for the management layer you'd like to update.
Each of the layers can be managed via their Manage access pages.
On each of these pages you can add or remove users you've already added to Cloud Sight.
Manage tenancy access page
To get to this page, select Manage tenancy access from the drop-down list on the top right (next to your profile name on the Cloud Sight header) .
From here you can:
Remember, you need to be logged in as a Tenancy Manager or Owner.
Edit a user's tenancy access
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Edit.
2. In the pop-up modal, select the role you'd like to assign to the user. The options will be limited to tenancy layer roles.
Deleting a user from a tenancy
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Delete.
2. Select Yes, delete when the confirmation message pops up.
Manage workspace access page
On your ‘Cloud services’ (landing) page, select the Manage button on the workspace (cog icon on the top right corner of the workspace) you’d like to modify, and select Manage workspace access.
You'll arrive at the 'Manage workspace access' page
From this page you can:
Assigning workspace access to a user
1. Select Manage access (button on top right of the page).
2. Select a role. You can choose from:
- Workspace Admin
- Workspace Manager
- Workspace Reader
3. Select the user to whom the role should be assigned from the list of users. This list only shows users that have been added to Cloud Sight.
4. If you want to assign another role, click on + Assign more access.
5. Select Assign.
Editing workspace access
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Edit.
2. Select the role you want to assign to the user.
3. Select Save.
Deleting workspace access
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Edit.
2. Select Yes, delete when the confirmation message pops up.
Manage cloud access page
On your ‘My clouds’ (landing) page, select the cloud you’d like to modify by clicking on its name.
You'll arrive at the cloud details page.
Select Manage cloud access from the Manage dropdown on the top right (cog icon). You'll arrive the 'Manage cloud access' page.
From this page you can:
Assigning cloud service access to a user
1. Select Manage access (button on top right of the 'Manage access' page).
2. Select a role. You can choose from:
- Cloud Service Admin
- Cloud Service Manager
- Cloud Service Reader
3. Select the user to whom the role should be assigned.
4. If you want to assign another role, click on + Assign more access.
5. Select Assign.
Editing cloud service access
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Edit.
2. Select the role you want to assign to the user.
3. Select Save.
Deleting cloud service access
1. From the menu button (under the Action column) against the user you're editing, select Edit.
2. Select Yes, delete when the confirmation message pops up.