Cost reports can be downloaded from the Costs tab on any of the details pages of your clouds.
Learn more about cost management and the Costs tab
Under the heading 'Cost breakdown' you'll see a panel that contains a breakdown of costs across various categories belonging to your cloud.
On the top right of the panel, underneath the Portal link is another link that allows you to download the report. The contents of each report varies by the type of cloud you've selected.
Cost report download on AWS clouds
On AWS clouds, the download link is titled Save to CSV file. Clicking on the link will download and save an extract of the data in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format.
Please note that this report:
- Only contains data you see on the 'Cost breakdown' panel
- Corresponds to the data on Cloud Sight at the time you choose to download the report
- Allows you to use the filters on the 'Cost breakdown' panel' to widen or narrow down your results. Remember to click Save to CSV file after you've completed filtering so the report contains the data you're looking for.
- Can only be generated with data from concluded months*. Choosing the current month in the period filter disables the report download link.
* The most recently concluded month's data is loaded to Cloud Sight on the 12th of every month. Any reports you may download on a date prior to the 12th will not contain data from preceding month.
Cost report download on Azure clouds
On Microsoft Azure clouds, the download link is titled Download Report. Clicking on the link will download and save detailed cost data in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format.
Please note that this report:
- Contains more detailed charge data than what's on the 'Cost breakdown' panel, and includes the following fields:
- Subscription ID
- Subscription name
- Subscription description
- Tenant ID
- Service name
- Service type
- Charge start date
- Charge end date
- Resource GUID
- Resource name
- Region
- Quantity
- Price
- Currency
- Has a period of reporting that can be adjusted using the filter on the 'Cost breakdown panel. Select between:
- Past month
- Past 3 months
- Past 6 months
- Past 12 months
- Can only be generated with data from concluded months*. Choosing the current month in the period filter disables the report download link.
* The most recently concluded month's data is loaded to Cloud Sight on the 12th of every month. Any reports you may download on a date prior to the 12th will not contain data from preceding month.