Log in as an Admin or Manager at the tenancy layer (Tenancy Admin or Tenancy Manager).
Information about the Cloud Sight management layers
Information on user and access management
You can manage workspaces Cloud Sight from your 'Cloud services' page (home page).
From the 'Cloud services' page, you can:
Adding a workspace
1. Select + Add workspace on the upper right of the page (next to the Add service button).
2. Enter a workspace name.
3. Select Add.
Editing a workspace
1. From the Manage menu on the top right of the workspace (beside the cog icon on the top right corner of the workspace), select Edit.
2. Enter a workspace name of your choice.
3. Select Save.
Deleting a workspace
1. From the Manage menu on the top right of the workspace (beside the cog icon on the top right corner of the workspace), select Delete.
2. Select Yes, delete when the confirmation message appears.
Please note that a workspace has to be empty before it's deleted. It cannot be deleted if it contains any cloud services. You also can’t delete if the workspace is the last one in your tenancy. A tenancy must have at least one workspace.