This article documents how to run a CloudFormation script so a role is created within your cloud account that provides Telstra with necessary permissions to access your AWS cloud account and its resources.
Running the CloudFormation script
1. Download the CloudFormation template provided.
2. Log into your AWS account and navigate to the CloudFormation Service
3. From the CloudFormation Console, switch to the region in which your resources are located.
Please note that if you're enabling tagging, you'll need to run the template once for each region in which your resources are located. e.g. If you've got resources in Sydney and Melbourne, you'll need to follow these steps twice - once with the region set to Melbourne and once more with the region set to Sydney. |
4. Click on the Create stack button.
5. From the ‘Create Stack’ screen:
5.1. Under 'Specify template', select the Upload a template file option,
5.2. Click on the Choose file button to select the template you downloaded from Cloud Sight.
5.3. Click Next.
6. Under 'Specify stack details', enter the 'Stack name': Telstra-CloudSight-Setup
6.1. Leave all other parameters with their default values - please see below exception if you're enabling tagging.
6.1.1. If you're enabling tagging, copy and paste the SNS subscription API key generated on the Cloud Sight platform - you'll find it on the 'Tagging' tab of your cloud details page (if you haven't yet enabled the feature).
6.2. Click Next
7. Under the 'Configure stack options':
- Add any Tags you want to apply
- Leave all other settings with their default values
- Click Next
8. Review the ‘Telstra-Cloud-Sight-Setup’ stack configuration
9. Check the two capability checkboxes at the bottom of the screen and click Create stack. CloudFormation will begin creating the stack.
10. After a minute or two the stack status should change to ‘Create_Complete’ indicating the stack was created successfully. (You may need to refresh your screen.)