This article provides instructions on how to add AWS from Telstra clouds. If you're looking to add an BYO AWS cloud, we have another page for that.
From the cloud services page on Cloud Sight, you can:
- Add new AWS from Telstra clouds – creates a new cloud service in your AWS from Telstra tenancy
- Add existing AWS from Telstra clouds – adds a cloud you've already created in the AWS from Telstra tenancy to Cloud Sight.
You'll need to be logged in as an Admin or Manager at workspace layer or higher to add a cloud.
Learn more about the Cloud Sight management layers
Learn more about user and access management
Adding a new AWS from Telstra cloud
1. From the + Add service dropdown on the top right of the page, under the title Add new service, select the type of cloud you'd like to add. Select AWS.
Please note that you can only add one type of AWS cloud per Cloud Sight tenancy. e.g. if you add an AWS from Telstra cloud to your tenancy, you may only add more AWS from Telstra type clouds to it. To add BYO AWS clouds to Cloud Sight you'll need to create a separate Cloud Sight tenany.
2. Set your cloud details.
- Cloud name – this will be the name you’ll use to identify your cloud so use one that’s simple enough to remember.
- Workspace – select a workspace to which you’d like to add this cloud.
- Email address – every AWS clouds has to be associated with a unique email address. The email address cannot be shared between clouds, but email aliases can be used.
3. If you want to harden your cloud, select the 'Centre for Internet Security (CIS) compliance blueprint from the Cloud hardening section. Choose 'No account hardening' if you don't want this deployed.
Blueprints can only be deployed when you're adding a new cloud. Blueprints also cannot be removed or rolled back later. You may change the configuration of your cloud through the service provider portal (e.g. Azure portal) at the risk of no longer remaining compliant with the blueprint. See our article on Compliance for more details.
5. Add any promo codes or partner IDs you may have – these fields are optional.
6. Finally, accept the terms and conditions and select Add.
Adding an existing AWS from Telstra cloud
1. From the + Add dropdown on the top right of the page, under under the title Add existing service, select AWS.
2. You’ll see a list of your existing clouds eligible for connection to Cloud Sight. Select the services you’d like to add.
Note: you may see clouds that can't be selected. These could be AWS accounts without an OrganizationAccountAccessRole. Please try creating an OrganizationAccountAccessRole. If your clouds still can't be selected or you need help with this, please contact us.
3. Select the workspace to which you’d like to add the clouds you’ve selected.
4. Select Add.